
Restaurants and Cafes

Restaurants and Cafes

Since I’ve mastered the task of estimating the amount of sodium I’m ingesting in the course of a day, I’m not only more comfortable with the diet, but I also know how to get around it. I also have a network of friends and family who co-conspire with me to gain as much fulfillment as possible from my daily vittles.

Conservation Tree Program

Conservation Tree Program

If you are stuck inside dreaming of spring, consider ordering trees or shrubs from the Kansas Forest Service. The Kansas Forest Service offers low-cost tree and shrub seedlings for use in conservation plantings. Plants are one to two years old and sizes vary from 8 to 18 inches, depending on species. The plants come in two types of seedlings; bareroot and container-grown. Container grown provide a higher survival rate and quicker establishment. Bareroot seedlings will also establish well, they come with their roots packed in moist sawdust and wrapped in a plastic bag. You can place an order now through April 29. Order early to ensure that you receive the exact tree species you want.

That Commercial!

That Commercial!

As I was trying to think of something to write about tonight, the commercial came on. You know the one. The one from the ASPA where the dogs are in cages and shivering and starving and waiting for death. A lot of people have told me they cannot stand to look at this commercial. It makes them too sad.. Other people are not bothered by it. Why does it bother some people and not others?

Praire Doc® PersPectives
Praire Doc® PersPectives


Experts estimate that well over 80 percent of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Perhaps ten percent of adults experience it at any given moment. Back pain is extremely common, and people with back pain can be extremely miserable. It may hurt to move, sit, stand, lay, even breathe. No wonder back pain accounts for so many visits to the doctor!

I’m not sick!

I’m not sick!

I’ve been a bit under the weather for a week. I thought it was a dust allergy combined with some of my heart medicine for the week or so prior that made my nose drip. Then, when I started blowing like a hurricane (I just opened the third box of tissues), I figured I had a cold. Then I thought I might have a sinus infection. Truth is, I don’t know what it was but it was nothing serious and just in case, I kept myself locked up in my apartment the entire time.


Lincoln Sentinel-Republican

P.O. Box 67
Lincoln, KS 67455